Red Teaming

Our Red Team's approach is to relentlessly use all the possible tools and methods to challenge the implemented mitigations

Red Teaming

We conduct the in-depth adversary simulation and red teaming engagements for the most protected enterprises in the world
Full Black Box

The Red Teaming engagements are similar to black box external penetration tests with a few key differences that make them closer to real-world attacks

Adversary Simulation

During the Red Teaming engagements, our goals are aligned with the business-critical threats, and we carefully simulate the actions of a potential adversary, employing the same tactics, techniques, and procedures


We use the ideas of well-known methodologies such as CBEST, TIBER, and AASE, and perform retrospective sessions with the SOC team to evaluate the results

Our process

Our exceptional solutions are developed based on the industry, technical stack, and the business priorities of the Customer
— Start date
— Deadline
— IP addresses
— API endpoints
— Subnetworks
— Mobile applications
— Other assets

Identify the scope of engagement: the assets that you need to test. Those can be downloadable applications, source code repositories, network hosts, websites, API hosts, internal networks, Wi-Fi access points, emails or SaaS accounts, etc.
It is important to carefully define the scope to include everything that's important to the company.

Proposal parameters:
— Description of work
— Scope of work
— Price
— Duration
— Other terms

The proposal document will include a detailed technical and business methodology customized based on your requests as well as the information about our team and prior projects. Typically, we issue a proposal valid for 30 days and it includes 1 non-chargeable re-testing and full support for 12 months.
If you accept the proposal, we sign the contract with one of our legal entities.

Security testing stages:
— Reconnaissance
— Vulnerability identification
— Exploitation
— Reporting

During our engagements, we follow battle-tested methodologies such as OWASP Testing Guide, OWASP Mobile Testing Guide, OSSTMM, CBEST, TIBER, and others. The reports contain a detailed information about each finding as well as the mitigation recommendations, and an executive summary.

Post-project activities:
— Remediation strategy
— Consulting
— Re-testing

Within 12 months after any engagement, we guarantee the full support including the clarifications about the identified issues and proposed remediation strategy. Besides the consulting, we also perform a single re-testing of all the issues and update the final report accordingly.


You answer a few questions to give us an understanding of the goals, targets, limitations, and legal requirements of the testing


We carefully research the business requirements and the technological stack and estimate the workload and the costs of engagement


We follow the leading industry security testing standards to deliver the high quality report within the agreed timeline


For each iteration, we do free re-tests of the previously identified vulnerabilities and provide consultations

Want to learn more?

Let us know about your testing scope and business needs and we'll walk you through the whole process
Get in touch with us
Security penetration testers in our team
Customers secured by us annually
CTF hacking competition wins in the last 3 years
Our Certifications

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